Malawi Links and Resources:
- Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP) Blantyre Synod : http://www.blantyresynod.org/
- Currency Converter: Oanda US$ to MWK
- U.S. Department of State Malawi travel advisory information: http://travel.state.gov/malawi.html
- Orbus: http://www.orbusministries.org
- Photos of Malawi: Craig Manners - https://www.craigmanners.com/
- PovertyCure: Orbus | Povertycure
- World Bank's Malawi webpage: http://www.worldbank.org/afr/mw/news.htm
- World Bank Group page about Malawi : http://www.worldbank.org/afr/mw/
- UK Department for International Development: http://www.dfid.gov.uk
- Sustainable Development information: http://www.sustainablemeasures.com
- Up-to-date news articles about Malawi can be found at: http://allafrica.com/malawi/
- The BBC: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/country_profiles/1068913.stm
- The Washington Post newspaper in Washington , DC has a web-page for Malawi-related news: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/world/africa/southernafrica/malawi/
- Nation Malawi newspaper: http://www.nationmalawi.com/
- Nyasa Times newspaper: Malawi Nyasa Times - News from Malawi about Malawi
- The Times newspaper: The Times Group Malawi - Breaking news, politics, sports, entertainment and more - The Times Group Malawi
- Weather (on the homepage) and news (through a link): http://www.capitalradiomalawi.com/default.asp
- AllAfrica.com: http://allafrica.com/malawi/
- News Digest & Archive
- Capital Radio FM
- Daily Times Online
- Nation Malawi
- Kwacha FM
- Meet Malawi
- ... more
- AfricaHere.com: http://www.malawihere.com/
- MalawiDaily.com: http://www.malawidaily.com/
- IRINnews.org: from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: http://www.irinnews.org/frontpage.asp?SelectRegion=Southern_
Africa&SelectCountry=Malawi - Scottish Malawi Network-development news: http://amath.colorado.edu/staff/fast/Malawi/
- Reliefweb: posts aid/development news: http://www.reliefweb.int/w/rwb.nsf/ByCountry/Malawi?
- http://www.zikomo.net/fx.asp (shows exchange rate of several currencies against the Kwacha)
- http://www.bloomberg.com/analysis/calculators/currency.html (allows you to calculate the value of several currencies against the Malawian Kwacha)
- Oanda.com Currency Converter | Foreign Exchange Rates | OANDA
- Introduction
- Malawi Tourism
- Travel Guide
- Visitor Information
- Map of Malawi
- BBC Country Profile
... more - Current Malawi Date and Time
- News Digest & Archive
- The Society of Malawi
- Idias IT Consultants
- SS Rent A Car Malawi
- Danforth Yachting
... more - Guide To Malawi
- IRIN Africa
- Malawi Links
- Malawi Tourism
- Tour Operators
- Malawi Stock Exchange
... more - Malawi Government: http://www.malawi.gov.mw/
- National Statistics Office of Malawi : http://www.nso.malawi.net/
- Malawi Government Ministry of Tourism, Parks and Wildlife: http://www.tourismmalawi.com/index.html
- African Studies Center at the University of Pennsylvania Malawi page: http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/Country_Specific/Malawi.html
- Wikipedia Malawi page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malawi
- Guide to Malawian Businesses: http://www.malawibiz.com/
- World Bank: http://www.worldbank.org/afr/mw/
- Very helpful Malawi links page from Stanford University.
- Lonely Planet's Malawi Page.
- World Bank: http://www.worldbank.org/afr/mw/mw_ctry_brief.htm
- More World Bank: http://www.worldbank.org/data/countrydata/aag/mwi_aag.pdf
- French Embassy for Malawi and Zambia : http://www.ambafrance-zm.org/4malawi/gb411.htm
- U.S. Embassy Country Commercial Guide: http://usembassy.state.gov/malawi/
- Maravi Federation: http://www.axisgallery.com/exhibitions/maravi/
- http://www.zum.de/whkmla/region/southafrica/maravi.html
- Linguistic makeup of Malawi : http://www.ethnologue.com/show_country.asp?name=Malawi
- Play bawo: http://www.bawo.org/
- Cookbook: http://www.congocookbook.com/c0216.html
- History books and other books about Malawi : http://www.abacci.com/atlas/books.asp?countryID=256
- From the University of Texas Library : http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/africa.html#M
- Detailed map of roads, etc.: http://www.ambafrance-zm.org/4malawi/gb470.htm
- U.S. Department of State Malawi travel advisory information: http://travel.state.gov/malawi.html
- www.sdnp.org.mw
- www.wwmovers-africa.com\mal-moving.html (so you're moving to Malawi -for expats)
- http://malawihere.com/malawimoney.asp (pictures of Malawian currency)
- http://tourismmalawi.com/
- From National Geographic: http://iexplore.nationalgeographic.com/dmap/Malawi/Travel+and+Trips
- U.S. State Department Consular Services: http://travel.state.gov/malawi.html
- Travel warning information is available at: http://travel.state.gov/travel_warnings.html
- Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs home page road safety overseas feature at Information about road safety in Malawi : http://travel.state.gov/road safety.html
- Information about aviation safety in Malawi : http://www.faa.gov/avr/iasa/iasa
- The U.S. Embassy list of healthcare providers: http://usembassy.state.gov/malawi/wwwh-am-med.html
- CDC vaccination/outbreak information for international travelers: http://www.cdc.gov
- WHO infections disease outbreak information: http://www.who.int/ith
- Further health information for travelers is available at http://www.who.int/iht .
- Livingstonia: http://embangweni.com/livingst.htm
- Dedza Pottery: http://www.dedzapottery.com/
- Mvuu Lodge: http://www.mvuulodge.com/
- Mua Mission: http://www.malawiholiday.com/todohere/mission/mua.html
- More places to visit: http://www.countrywatch.com/cw_country.asp?vcountry=106 , http://www.countrywatch.com/cw_topic.asp?v
Chichewa Language:
- Online Chichewa Dictionary: http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org/translation/Chichewa/
- Chichewa Language Guide - Chichewa Language Guide - ORBUS MINISTRIES AUSTRALIA INC
Zikomo kwambiri ---- Thank you very much
Compiled by Craig Manners with thanks to http://www.malawithewarmheart.com/index.php?catid=15 for many of the links.