"For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse." Romans 1:20
Scientifically it is impossible to believe that all living creatures on earth, especially us complex human beings, came about by sheer chance, evolving out of nothing into what we have today. The big bang theory suggests that nothing exploded and formed everything in its perfect order and structure. It is like nothing blowing up nothing and causing the Taj Mahal to appear. It takes a lot of blind faith to believe that. The reality is that we are here, and we are too amazing to be an accident. People, animals, flowers, the Taj Mahal, everything, is too amazing. Evolution and the Big Bang theory are just not feasible in explaining things. It would seem more feasible to believe that there is a designer, a creator who created everything from outside our realm. In my opinion, the God of the Bible, and the account of Creation and the Fall of mankind in Genesis 1-3 is the only feasible explanation, and answer to our reality. Craig Manners
Scientifically it is impossible to believe that all living creatures on earth, especially us complex human beings, came about by sheer chance, evolving out of nothing into what we have today. The big bang theory suggests that nothing exploded and formed everything in its perfect order and structure. It is like nothing blowing up nothing and causing the Taj Mahal to appear. It takes a lot of blind faith to believe that. The reality is that we are here, and we are too amazing to be an accident. People, animals, flowers, the Taj Mahal, everything, is too amazing. Evolution and the Big Bang theory are just not feasible in explaining things. It would seem more feasible to believe that there is a designer, a creator who created everything from outside our realm. In my opinion, the God of the Bible, and the account of Creation and the Fall of mankind in Genesis 1-3 is the only feasible explanation, and answer to our reality. Craig Manners
The photos below by Craig Manners can be licensed for single use for a donation of $10 or more to Orbus per use. Please attribute each photo used as follows: (Photo by Craig Manners www.OrbusAfrica.org)