Things are moving ahead well here in Malawi. Our partner church, the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP) - Blantyre Synod, have been very welcoming and helpful and there is much excitement and activity, within the Synod and at Orbus, about the Orbus Secondary School, which is on track to make a small start in September.
The Synod organized a cornerstone laying ceremony recently with Synod leadership, Education Office representatives, local Ministers from CCAP churches, Presbytery of Blantyre North representatives, village Chief representatives, Synod radio station reporters, a women’s choir, and others present, with speeches, songs and prayers.
It is impressive how the school at Orbus has developed (Praise God!) and we are increasingly assured that the structure and relationship we have with the Synod is such that we can confidently take a long-term view of things, and I do think what Orbus are doing at Ngumbe is needed, is of definite practical benefit to the community and most importantly has at its heart a Christ-centred focus which by God’s grace we trust will be of eternal benefit to many.
There is a particular need for secondary education in the area, and we are hopeful that Orbus will be successful as a fee paying, and possibly boarding, school, which will then help to subsidize the free secondary education the school will be offering to orphans, the poor and the vulnerable.
A few brief things:
1- You can follow the activity at Orbus over the coming months at the Orbus Photo Journal: http://www.orbusministries.org/orbusphotojournal2017.html
2- On Friday June 23, the PYV Mission Trip to Malawi will fly out of Melbourne. They will be working alongside the team at Orbus for three weeks and visiting different churches around the Orbus school. They have worked hard to prepare themselves for the visit, and to bond as a team. Please support them with your prayers. If you would like to keep up with what's happening on the trip, please visit their blog - https://os17malawi.wordpress.com/
Read more-->> http://mailchi.mp/54a276eb69dc/orbus-malawi-update