A memory like an elephant!
"For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more." (Hebrews 8:12)
I have a friend who has an amazing memory. She can recall all sorts of things with ease. I could say she has "a memory like an elephant", but that might be an exaggeration, because elephants are known to have incredible memories, maybe even better than my friend's. That is because the elephant's temporal lobe in their brain is larger and denser than that of people.
Whatever the truth of that, the Creator of the elephant's memory, and my friend's, has a memory infinitely better. God remembers absolutely everything.
That is a problem for all of us, as there is so much wickedness (in thoughts, words and deeds) accumulating from our past. This creates such a burden for us. That is one reason many people turn to things like alcohol, work, entertainment and other things to try to suppress and relieve this burden. The problem is that none of these things work for very long. The burden remains and just gets heavier.
BUT... there is a lasting solution. This burden can be removed completely and for eternity. When Jesus Christ died on the cross, He took upon Himself all the sins of His people, He lifted their burdens from their backs and carried them Himself, and dealt with them justly once and for all on the cross.
You too can ask Jesus to bear your burdens for you. Trust Him and He will deal with them forever. You will be forgiven and it will be as if God forgets them altogether. He will now look at you as if you were clothed in Jesus' righteousness instead, you will be reconciled to God and can walk closely with Him for eternity.
If you would like to learn more about this "Great Exchange" and receive Jesus' perfect righteousness in place of your heavy, burdensome, broken past, start by just asking Jesus to help you and save you.
Then read the Bible and find a church which believes the Bible. The Bible tells you what God is all about as He has revealed Himself, rather than as man would prefer Him to be. The former can help you, the latter cannot.
Photo and reflection by Craig Manners
"For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more." (Hebrews 8:12)
I have a friend who has an amazing memory. She can recall all sorts of things with ease. I could say she has "a memory like an elephant", but that might be an exaggeration, because elephants are known to have incredible memories, maybe even better than my friend's. That is because the elephant's temporal lobe in their brain is larger and denser than that of people.
Whatever the truth of that, the Creator of the elephant's memory, and my friend's, has a memory infinitely better. God remembers absolutely everything.
That is a problem for all of us, as there is so much wickedness (in thoughts, words and deeds) accumulating from our past. This creates such a burden for us. That is one reason many people turn to things like alcohol, work, entertainment and other things to try to suppress and relieve this burden. The problem is that none of these things work for very long. The burden remains and just gets heavier.
BUT... there is a lasting solution. This burden can be removed completely and for eternity. When Jesus Christ died on the cross, He took upon Himself all the sins of His people, He lifted their burdens from their backs and carried them Himself, and dealt with them justly once and for all on the cross.
You too can ask Jesus to bear your burdens for you. Trust Him and He will deal with them forever. You will be forgiven and it will be as if God forgets them altogether. He will now look at you as if you were clothed in Jesus' righteousness instead, you will be reconciled to God and can walk closely with Him for eternity.
If you would like to learn more about this "Great Exchange" and receive Jesus' perfect righteousness in place of your heavy, burdensome, broken past, start by just asking Jesus to help you and save you.
Then read the Bible and find a church which believes the Bible. The Bible tells you what God is all about as He has revealed Himself, rather than as man would prefer Him to be. The former can help you, the latter cannot.
Photo and reflection by Craig Manners