Amazing Creator.
"But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved." (Ephesians 2:4-5).
I don't know about you but I marvel at God's creativity. I love sunsets! But not just sunsets, I find everything such as the different types of animals, insects, flowers and plants around the world are beyond remarkable. Then there are people!
Our Creator made mankind the pinnacle of His earthly creation, fearfully and wonderfully made. The created mind literally boggles at the complexity of creation let alone human beings.
The end of human beings, being earthly death due to the curse of sin, is a harsh reality. But thankfully it is not the end of the human story.
Our merciful Creator God intervened because of His great love for us. He breathes new and eternal life into death-deserving people. He saves them by grace, giving unmerited salvation and eternal life, not earned or deserved. Amazing grace! Amazing Creator!
Have a read of our early human history in Genesis 1-3. It is a fascinating historical record of creation, our fall and the promised Christ. It helps us understand the reason our world and our lives are so messy, and provides the first hint that God didn't intend to leave it that way.
While we rightly marvel at creation, every time we enjoy a stunning sunset or other things which reveal God's creativity, we should think about and be overwhelmed by God's plan of salvation.
Photo and brief reflection by Craig Manners (This sunset photo was taken in Malawi in 2017. It became popular on the Getty Images owned site Unsplash in 2021 receiving over 7.7 million views in 10 months to April 2022).
"But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved." (Ephesians 2:4-5).
I don't know about you but I marvel at God's creativity. I love sunsets! But not just sunsets, I find everything such as the different types of animals, insects, flowers and plants around the world are beyond remarkable. Then there are people!
Our Creator made mankind the pinnacle of His earthly creation, fearfully and wonderfully made. The created mind literally boggles at the complexity of creation let alone human beings.
The end of human beings, being earthly death due to the curse of sin, is a harsh reality. But thankfully it is not the end of the human story.
Our merciful Creator God intervened because of His great love for us. He breathes new and eternal life into death-deserving people. He saves them by grace, giving unmerited salvation and eternal life, not earned or deserved. Amazing grace! Amazing Creator!
Have a read of our early human history in Genesis 1-3. It is a fascinating historical record of creation, our fall and the promised Christ. It helps us understand the reason our world and our lives are so messy, and provides the first hint that God didn't intend to leave it that way.
While we rightly marvel at creation, every time we enjoy a stunning sunset or other things which reveal God's creativity, we should think about and be overwhelmed by God's plan of salvation.
Photo and brief reflection by Craig Manners (This sunset photo was taken in Malawi in 2017. It became popular on the Getty Images owned site Unsplash in 2021 receiving over 7.7 million views in 10 months to April 2022).