Go to the Source for Rest
"Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him." (Psalm 62:1)
We all have a picture of what our ideal rest looks like. We may long for a relaxing lakeside or beach holiday, or a walking holiday through the English countryside, or just anything but our usual daily grind. We may even find some rest just in the thought of such a break.
These rests are fleeting. They usually don't measure up, cost more than we planned and they don't last. Before we know it we are back into the restless daily reality of life, again longing for that elusive rest.
There is however a rest which fulfils, that doesn't disappoint, and never ends. Augustine of Hippo spoke of such rest when he said to God, “You have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless, until they can find rest in you.”
Search as you may for true rest, it will never be found in a holiday, money, reputation, a career, an earthly relationship, a bottle, or stuff. It can only ever truly be found in the maker of our souls.
Photo and reflection by Craig Manners
"Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him." (Psalm 62:1)
We all have a picture of what our ideal rest looks like. We may long for a relaxing lakeside or beach holiday, or a walking holiday through the English countryside, or just anything but our usual daily grind. We may even find some rest just in the thought of such a break.
These rests are fleeting. They usually don't measure up, cost more than we planned and they don't last. Before we know it we are back into the restless daily reality of life, again longing for that elusive rest.
There is however a rest which fulfils, that doesn't disappoint, and never ends. Augustine of Hippo spoke of such rest when he said to God, “You have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless, until they can find rest in you.”
Search as you may for true rest, it will never be found in a holiday, money, reputation, a career, an earthly relationship, a bottle, or stuff. It can only ever truly be found in the maker of our souls.
Photo and reflection by Craig Manners