The crux of the ninth commandment is that we are to tell the truth, maintain and promote the truth, and protect our own and other’s reputations.
God’s design for wanting us to tell the truth is that He loves us and wants the best for us, in spite of our rebellion against Him, so He gives us guidelines for living, in the Ten Commandments as well as throughout rest of the Bible.
Our creator God made us, He knows us, He loves us, and He wants us to be reconciled to Him. That is why He gave His one and only Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross in our place, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)
God is a God of truth. He operates through truth. If we want the best possible life we need to trust this and live our lives in light of this. Even seemingly bad things, from our limited perspective, will be worked out by God for our good if we love and trust Him, as He works ALL things in truth "together for those who love God.” (Romans 8:32).
Our current world has adopted lies as the norm instead of truth. The life narratives people are living by are built on lies. Social media prove this. People are living falsely, pretending, acting, deceiving themselves as well as others.
Once you start down the path of telling yourself lies you soon become confused and unable to tell the difference. That is where we are at as a society.
We have been hoodwinked into believing some big lies in the West which have led to mass confusion, delusion, anger, depression, mental and physical health problems, political chaos and uncertain futures.
Lies such as the climate lies, race lies, sexual orientation lies, gender lies, transgender lies, marriage lies, history lies, lies about God, His existence, lies such as evolution which pretends we came from nothing and therefore have no meaning, purpose or morality.
This has left Western society empty and without a compass to guide it. It can only lead to bad things, and judging by the current state of the world, potentially very quickly.
But there is HOPE. It is actually at times when things seem at their worst that God often does His thing and turns things around. So, it is NOT a time for despair. It is a time for repenting, turning away from our mistakes and turning toward God. Seeking His forgiveness and trying to live lives more truthfully.
This means coming back to the truth. Praying to God. Submitting to His ways. Returning to the basics. We need leaders to lead us to this. That is where you come into it. Are you ready to take up the challenge. Wanted: Men of Issachar - Craig Manners
Brief reflection and photo by Craig Manners